Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Updates on the Occupy STL Movement

Hey guys! I want to first give a brief breakdown of what the current situation is in the OccupySTL movement.

Why are we here? We are here to represent the "bottom 99%" who believe the big corporations (the top 1%) have too much control over everything. Essentially, we are establishing our own community & democracy, which is crucial for making change happen. We are all equals here, and EVERYONE'S voice will be heard, unlike in our current accepted government situation. Once these priorities have been met, we will continue to make decisions based on consensus voting. This means that everyone needs to be on the same page before a decision has been made.

Here is a log of the past 3 days:
  • Saturday, October 1st, 2011-Day 1 of the St. Louis Occupy movement. At 11am we gathered downtown and marched to the Federal Reserve. News Channel 4-KMOV was there getting great footage of the hundreds that marched and protested. The group marched to Kiener Plaza, and based on a consensus vote-this would officially become home base. Tents were pitched, more signs were made, and TONS of food and supplies were donated to the cause. This would be the first night of camping overnight, making this an official occupation.
Our future.

Gathering for speeches.

PB&J Committee!

  • Sunday, October 2nd, 2011-Day 2 of the St. Louis Occupy movement. Campers woke up to Kaldi's coffee, and a small group discussed the day's itinerary. The first General Assembly was at 10:30. We decided that getting the word out was essential, so a few delegates took the MetroLink to UMSL to print out a few hundred flyers to hand out. Protesters held signs at 7th & Market Street, and new participants were given warm welcomes. We fed the homeless and they thanked us and helped us. In the early evening during General Assembly, it was decided to form sub-groups and committees to help organize all of the information we were sharing. I joined the Welcoming Team, and I was very impressed with how well our first meeting went.
  • Monday, October 3rd, 2011-Day 3 of OccupySTL! There were group marches, and TONS of new people. Kyle and I didn't arrive until 7pm, where there was a General Assembly discussing contingency plans in case there were police summons or threat of evictions. We had great lawyers show up at 10pm for a General Assembly to inform us of the possible consequences of continuing to occupy. At this assembly, we had 70+ people-which was comparatively larger than any other assembly that happened this late! I was happy to run into an old friend from high school, Nik, and one of my good friends Sara stopped by after her shift ended downtown.
9pm on day 3- still going strong!

Needless to say, it is obvious that our numbers are growing at an accelerated rate-and we're incredibly optimistic. At this point, I know most of the participants by first name, and have a good understanding of what projects each individual is working on. Every single person involved has a voice and a purpose, and they are welcomed with open arms.

Thank you for your support and reading my current thoughts and observations. More to come!

Much love,


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